We currently host bi-monthly “Drawer Knob Hours” for volunteers to come in and volunteer either with a small group, a friend/partner, or even just themselves! These hours allow for eight individuals to come and volunteer with us for two hours. Tasks include counting, sorting, and bundling!
Drawer Knob Hours
When: Every other Monday 10am-12pm
Where: The Drawer warehouse – 2935 West Service Road, Eagan MN 55121
Sign up: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0F4EAFAB28A0F5C34-47037836-drawer?useFullSite=true#/
To keep up to date on current and future volunteer opportunities, please follow us on our Facebook page or sign up for our emails/newsletter today!
You can also reach out today via our contact us page to personally connect about setting up a volunteer opportunity for your and your group, team, and/or family!
We thank you for you interest in volunteering for us and look forward to connecting!